Scholar Promotes New Findings on a Rarely Publicised Subject–the SALAMPASU–for BRUNEAF 2014
Dr. Julien Volper of the Tervuren Museum will be here in the bookshop on Wednesday the 4th of June; He will sign copies of his most recent publication on the artistic production of the Salampasu peoples of southern Democratic Republic
Scholar Promotes New Findings on a Rarely Publicised Subject–the SALAMPASU–for BRUNEAF 2014
Dr. Julien Volper of the Tervuren Museum will be here in the bookshop on Wednesday the 4th of June; He will sign copies of his most recent publication on the artistic production of the Salampasu peoples of southern Democratic Republic
David Menke Nephrologist Asian Art Collector U.S.A
Thomas Murray Art Dealer
Pierre Amrouche by Vasco & Co 22/05/2014
Pierre Amrouche and his book : “Collection Bernard & Bertrand Bottet
Pierre Amrouche by Vasco & Co 22/05/2014
Pierre Amrouche and his book : “Collection Bernard & Bertrand Bottet
Back in Brussels – The African – André & Jolie Vanhecke
Impasse Saint-Jacques 13 1000 Brussels