Berend Hoesktra at Vasco & Co during CULTURES – BRUNEAF, BAAF, AAB

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Papier-mâché 1992, Amsterdam

“Let us go back to the eighties of the past century. In those years, he painted large heads in an expressionist manner. Looked at closely, they could be seen as self-portraits, with a strange gaze away from the canvas, introverted, bordering on madness. The nose was often enlarged in these portraits, touchingly distorted, caricature-like, or wiped off. With these works, he established a name for himself with a number of important collectors. In the beginning of the nineties, Hoekstra invited me for a visit at his atelier on Zomerdijkstraat in Amsterdam. There was a surprise waiting for me. On and around a table stood and hung strange, intriguing small figures, not measuring more than sixty, seventy centimetres, made of papier-mâché, of a greyish-brown colour.”  Jan Hein Sassen, March 15,  2002

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